Rush Hour 3 is a 2007 martial arts/action-comedy film, and the third installment in the Rush Hour series, starring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker, that began with the 1998 film Rush Hour and continued with its 2001 sequel Rush Hour 2. The film was officially announced on May 7, 2006, and filming began on July 4, 2006. The film is set in Paris, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong. Rush Hour 3 was released on August 10, 2007, in the United States.A fourth film is currently in consideration by the series' creators.
Director: Brett Ratner
Writers: Jeff Nathanson, Ross LaManna (characters)
Stars: Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, Max von Sydow,Hiroyuki Sanada,Yvan Attal,Noemie Lenoir,Tzi Ma
IMDb Rating: 6.0/10
File Size: 650 MB
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